Kurt Metzger: President Biden’s Brain ‘Is Swiss Cheese’

You won’t find Kurt Metzger wearing a red MAGA cap.

The comic firebrand, part of Jimmy Dore’s irreverent podcast, is no fan of the 45th president. He still calls balls and strikes as he sees ’em, and this week he teed off on the current Commander in Chief. And, by extension, liberals and reporters who pretend there’s nothing wrong with the 80-year-old leader.

(But we repeat ourselves.)

In the process, Metzger said life under President Donald Trump wasn’t nearly as bad as progressives suggest. Just the opposite, actually.

The Emmy and Peabody Award winning writer and producer sat down with Michael Malice for the latter’s “You’re Welcome” podcast.

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Metzger, formerly a writer and contributor to “Inside Amy Schumer,” weighed in on the disconnect his liberal friends are having with reality. He didn’t label them as “liberal.” He didn’t have to do so. It was obvious by the context.

“Biden is clearly gone,” Metzger said. “I can’t believe people argue about if he’s too old. That has nothing to do with it. His brain is Swiss cheese.”

“When he was young he wasn’t good,” the comedian continued. “But now he’s gone.”

President Biden has endured a series of humiliating gaffes since becoming president. A recent New York Post report cited a litany of lies and embarrassing moments that occurred within a single week.

Malice shared the typical liberal response to noting Biden’s deterioration.

“Biden’s brain is Swiss cheese. ‘Oh, then Trump’s much better?'” the podcastwe said, mocking how the rebuttal makes no sense.

“I don’t even like Trump, yeah, much better,” Metzger said.

“I don’t know if you remember the four years of [Trump] and these last four years. There’s no comparison. The last, like, three years were the worst I’ve ever seen in my life. Every aspect of it was a f*** up. Trump, I didn’t think was great, but I can’t even believe what a paradise that was compared to this psycho lockdown censorship regime of this…”

Most mainstream comedians either ignore President Biden or take lazy swipes at his age. They do so in a farcical fashion, steering clear of Biden’s wobbly mental state.

Late-night comedians mostly avoided Biden jokes prior to the writers’ strike that shut the industry down May 2. “Saturday Night Live” similarly skips Biden gags, choosing to attack former President Trump and various GOP officials despite the party’s minority status.

The NBC sketch series uncorked one withering sketch last year that touched on Biden’s cognitive decline.

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The post Kurt Metzger: President Biden’s Brain ‘Is Swiss Cheese’ appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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