Florida Elementary School Principal Placed On Leave After Gathering Black Students In Assembly Hall To Talk About Consequences Of Bad Grades

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Parents of children attending Bunnell Elementary School in Florida were outraged after the school principal held an assembly to ‘help’ black students by allegedly telling them they could go to jail if they received bad grades, amongst other dire consequences. The Principal reportedly offered McDonald’s and gift cards to other fast-food establishments as an incentive for students to improve their grades.

If you don’t improve, you could end up in jail or the victim of gun violence,” it was allegedly said.

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On Thursday, parents met with the school’s higher-ups at a PTO meeting to evaluate the situation. The principal has since been placed on paid administrative leave.

“This should not have happened, but it did. And as the interim superintendent of Flagler Schools, it is my responsibility to identify why did this happen,” said Interim Superintendent LaShakia Moore. “We do have an investigation that is ongoing at this time.”

What makes matters worse is that parents were not even made aware that their children were reportedly getting bad grades. The Parents spoke to FOX 35 and revealed that they had never bern told about the poor test scores or of the assembly. This was later confirmed by the district.

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“When I came into this meeting I was still irate about the situation. No matter the emails, the calls, the press conference. I was still mad because it still happened. You can’t erase it,” said a parent. “Actions are going to be important because this broke a lot of our trust, so we need to see what’ they’re going to do. It’s really on the school to make amends with the parents, students, and community,” she continued.

The Principal has been identified as Donelle Evensen. She is reported to have approved the assemblies and PowerPoint presentation, and another teacher Anthony Hines who was alleged to have presented at the assembly has also been put on paid administrative leave. The school notes that there may be further disciplinary action after further investigation and meeting with all the parents involved.

In other news, recently a teacher in Oklahoma was arrested on her first day of school for allegedly being drunk in class. Kimberly Coates decided to start off the school year with a bang, or rather, with a bottle. The incident took place at an elementary school in Oklahoma earlier this month, leaving both students and parents bewildered — and concerned. She denies being drunk, but the evidence of her being a wino was found in a cup she brought to school. Whew, what is going on at these schools?

The post Florida Elementary School Principal Placed On Leave After Gathering Black Students In Assembly Hall To Talk About Consequences Of Bad Grades appeared first on Hollywood Unlocked .

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