Nine Million People Watches Entire ‘Super Mario Bros. Movie’ After Twitter User Posts It

Super Mario movie uploaded to Twitter for free

Nine million people watched the ‘Super Mario Bros. Movie’ for free after a Twitter user illegally uploaded the entire film on their account.

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Last week, a Twitter user who ran the “videos that go hard” page reportedly uploaded the 90-minute video in two parts. According to Forbes, this was possible because Twitter Blue subscribers are allowed to upload high-quality hour-long videos, which makes it easier for users to take advantage. Before the videos were deleted, the tweets earned nine million views within seven hours.

Additionally, the uploads were bypassed by moderators as the videos remained on the social media site for hours before it was deleted. Also, it remains unclear if the “videos go hard” account will be suspended or banned from the platform for uploading the movie.

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Although this slight incident violates Twitter’s piracy laws, the Super Mario Bros. movie isn’t affected much since it’s the first film to reach $1 billion at the box office. Twitter users who were able to watch the movie said they enjoyed it or were able to download the two parts so they could enjoy it later.

Twitter has a policy against piracy, which includes any content that infringes on intellectual property rights. This includes copyright, trademark, and other forms of intellectual property.

Here are some key points from Twitter’s policy on piracy:

  1. Twitter prohibits the posting of pirated material, such as links to unauthorized copies of movies, music, or software.
  2. Twitter also prohibits the posting of links to sites that facilitate or promote piracy, such as torrent sites or sites that offer streaming services for pirated material.
  3. Twitter will respond to valid reports of piracy and take appropriate action, including removing infringing content and suspending or terminating accounts that repeatedly violate the policy.
  4. If you believe that someone is infringing on your intellectual property rights on Twitter, you can file a report with Twitter’s copyright team. Twitter has a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) policy in place, which provides a process for copyright owners to request the removal of infringing material.

It is important to note that Twitter’s policy on piracy is subject to change, and users are advised to review the policy periodically to ensure compliance.


The post Nine Million People Watches Entire ‘Super Mario Bros. Movie’ After Twitter User Posts It appeared first on Hollywood Unlocked .

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