Mo Brooks gets into fiery exchange with Fox News host over 2020 election

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) got into a fiery argument with a guest “Fox News Sunday” host over the 2020 presidential election, which Brooks repeatedly claimed was stolen and riddled with fraud.

When Brooks pressed his claims of voter fraud and pushed for tighter election laws, guest host Sandra Smith countered that effort after effort had failed in court to prove the 2020 election was stolen from former President Trump.

“The congressmen and senators disagree with you — with what you just said,” Brooks told her. “Elections are going to be stolen if we don’t fix these problems.”

Smith and Brooks then talked over each other before the Alabama lawmaker told the journalist, “You just made a false statement.”

“The courts are not the final arbiter of who wins federal election contests,” he said, before citing unproven allegation and discussing a controversial film about the 2020 election, “2000 Mules.”

“And that has been looked at and fact-checked by multiple outlets, including Reuters, who have [reported] there isn’t any proof that there was widespread voter fraud,” Smith rebutted.

Brooks is fighting off a Republican challenger in a tight Senate primary race headed into a runoff after he lost the endorsement and backing of Trump. Brooks lost the support of the former president after saying the GOP should move on from the 2020 election.

Brooks was also one of several GOP lawmakers who were said to be subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 rioting, but on Sunday the congressman said he has not been served yet.

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Mo Brooks gets into fiery exchange with Fox News host over 2020 election
Source: Best News Global

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